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Friday, May 1, 2020

Crime Prevention - Housing Estate style.......brov..

Heavy Coronal Viral Load Cinema....certainly not my usual fare, be it working on The Iron or the Thin Ribbons of Steel, or anything else for that matter (except for the very early days) but the backstory to this is (my pal called round tonight to show me after his pal sent it to him via the norf Landon street yoof far as I know not posted anywhere else as yet - A Maiden Post!) Whether The Mods leave it up is a 50-50 thing... *get it while you can* ...anyway, enough blabbing..., the young guy had been round attempting to rob an old lady's house on the Estate but left empty handed... but, the cheeky git came round a second time.. she then got very scared and told her son who waited in for a couple of days to see if he'd call back a third time.......well, the foolish thief did just that..... Enjoy!

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