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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Three natives of Ingushetia suspected of Nemtsov murder

It became known to LifeNews, that on suspicion of the murder of Boris Nemtsov were detained Zaur Dadaev, Anzor Gubashev and his 31-year-old brother Shagid Gubashev . Zaur Dadaev accounts Gubashevym second cousin. According LifeNews , Shagid Gubashev worked in Moscow Kamaz driver, and his brother Anzor - a security guard at a supermarket in Moscow. However, the alleged killer was detained in one of the villages in the north of Ingushetia, on the sixth of March.According to eyewitnesses, on Friday young people for several days were at home almost every day and went to see his parents, but spent the night elsewhere. March 6 brothers Gubashevy once again drove to his father's house, then left, but fell into the hands of law enforcement officers on the way to the village of Malgobek Voznesenovskaya. About detention Anzor Gubasheva and Zaur Dadaeva said Saturday at the First Channel FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov. IC Russia later confirmed that these people investigators believe the organizers and direct executors of the murder of Boris Nemtsov. According to LifeNews, calculate suspects allowed analysis of telephone connections in the area of the murder scene in the center of Moscow. A law enforcement source also said that in addition to the detainees, to date, remain in the search for another 4 people who were accomplices and ensure Gubasheva and Dadaeva weapon and followed by Boris Nemtsov. Boris Nemtsov was killed on the night of Saturday , February 28. According to investigators, the killer shot in politics, as he went to a citizen of Ukraine Anna Duritskaya on Vasilevsky descent on the bridge in the direction of the Big Ordynka.GSU SK Russia in Moscow opened a criminal investigation into the killing policy under articles "Murder" and "illegal arms trafficking." The investigation is looking at least five possible motives for the crime . The investigation failed to reconstruct a picture of the execution of murder . Part of the way criminals escape from the scene, investigators were able to recover based on CCTV footage. Anna Duritskaya failed to significantly help investigators. The girl said that what he saw threw her into shock, and she lost some memory , so no memory of the murderer or the car in which he fled. As reported LifeNews, besides Anna Duritskaya Nemtsov met with another woman - a native of Karachay-Cherkessia Zamira Duguzhevoy . Article translated from LifeNews

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