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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Liberal Textbook Has DISTURBING Message For Teachers To Tell Students

A rather disturbing image has been pulled from a book that teachers use as a guide for creating lessons for children, and within it lies a partial answer about how our children are becoming indoctrinated.The book is titled Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education , and it is used by teachers as a guide to teach the liberal fairy tale of social justice. Within it are several ridiculous passages, of which two are worth pointing out. The first deals with racism, and how "reverse racism" doesn't exist. The reason they specified couldn't be further from the truth, since racism by definition is the judging of someone based solely on the color of their skin. "STOP: There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression). While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be "just as sexist as men" because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power." What a load of hogwash, right? According to this ridiculous book, which is published by the Teachers College Press run by the Teachers College at Columbia University, only white men can be racist and sexist, an idea that couldn't be anymore absurd if the authors tried. The second and equally stupid excerpt pulled from the book deals with so-called "dominant groups" and attempts to say that dominant groups perpetuate perceived inequalities because they're the ones who benefit the most from them. Dominant Group(s): The group(s) at the top of the social hierarchy. In any relationship between groups that define one another (men/women, able-bodied/disabled, young/old), the dominant group is the group that is valued more highly. Dominant groups set the norms by which the minoritized group is judged. Dominant groups have greater access to the resources of society and benefit from the existence of the inequality. Again, a complete load of absolute liberal moonbat garbage! Seriously, how people can believe any of this is beyond me, but let's look at what they're saying here. According to these authors, the people who rise above others have only been able to do so because those who are similar to them in physical characteristics have been able to hold others back, creating an unequal playing field in which only they can achieve success. Again, what total bulls**t! In trying to create equality and combat perceived racism, this book and the people who wrote it are relying on racism to achieve their goals. It's not only backwards thinking, it's purely hypocritical on their behalf. If you should so desire, a larger excerpt from the book is available by clicking this link , but I suggest you have a drink before reading it since your head will probably explode from the ideological crap being spewed. Now, as this all sinks in, keep in mind that this book is used as an educational guide by the very people who teach our children. Just think about that for a second. A teacher reads this book, then teaches this same material to hundreds of students every year, students who look to them for guidance and as a trusted source of information, so much so that often times they'll debate their own parents with the information given to them by a teacher. Is this what you want your kids to learn? I know I don't want my kids, when I have them, anywhere near any of this backwards, ridiculous train of thought. Home schooling is sounding like a better option every day, wouldn't you say?

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