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Monday, February 1, 2021

Massive Storm to Hit Nova Scotia on Tuesday February 2, 2021

Massive Storm is on its way for Nova Scotia on Tuesday February 2, 2021 and it will bring 15 cm of snow and 50+ mm of Rain or More and it will bring a lot of Snow before Changing over to Rain on Tuesday Evening in Halifax, South Shore including Sydney and Cape Breton and it will Bring a lot of Flooding and Downpours after a lot of Snow and there will be Big Waves Crashing the Beaches and Shores of Nova Scotia and it will knock out Power and it will bring Blowing and Drifting Snow Before Changing Over to Rain and it will bring Very Strong Winds capable of Knocking out Power. People in Nova Scotia Be Prepared Have your Winter Boots Winter Jackets Hats Gloves Scarfs And Ski Pants Ready. Order Your Pizzas and Chinese Food and Buy Cases of Pepsi and Coke. Do your Grocery shopping don't wait until the last minute do it right now. Have your Samsung Galaxys Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Samsung Galaxy Tablets Smartphones Cellphones Laptops and Tablets Charged and Have your 3G 4G 5G and LTE Internet ready. when you are driving your car take your time driving your car and slow down so you don't get in the car accident. when you are Walking be very Careful while you are walking so you don't slip and fall. Have your Furnaces Ready and turn on the Furnaces to keep the House Warm. Drink lots of green tea white tea red tea and Drink lots of Green tea to keep you warm. Have your Extra blankets ready to keep you warm. Have your Shovels hefts snow scoops snow blowers snow plows and salt trucks ready. If you have anybody living in Nova Scotia Be Prepared for Major Winter Storm on Tuesday February 2, 2021. Take Care and Stay Safe and Don't Get Caught in the Major Snowstorm Stay Warm and Be Safe.

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