From the OP: Witness Opinion: It appears that the small brown SUV swerved out of their lane to avoid hitting the slowed/stopped vehicles which were in the lane to get onto the East I-10, and in doing so hit another car. This second vehicle was forced into the white Dodge truck which was pushed sideways just enough to have lost control and spun out, causing damage to other vehicles. Note: The brown SUV never entered into view of my forward-facing camera, it appeared to have exited off the freeway on Priest or stopped in the exit's gorge area (see 0:48 seconds). If this was a hit & run situation, I have no footage of the brown SUV's licence to help identify the vehicle. However, there is a Waymo vehicle which might have passed the vehicles (it can be seen speeding past me in the first seconds of the , on the left of the screen) which might have caught a of the brown SUV's licence plate with its forward facing camera, but this Waymo vehicle's licence plate was not visible in my front-facing dashcam footage, so Waymo would need to identify which of their vehicles caught the footage at that time/location. Also note that the time stamp is not correct. Included here is a link to the front camera footage, but that doesn't show anything useful:
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