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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Covid-19 Update: Just the Facts

With all the numbers and rhetoric flying around, how about a simple look at three factors? First Picture: Number of New Cases - Johns Hopkins dashboard shows the rate of new detected infections is now declining even though testing is still on the increase. A good sign of recovery. Second Picture: New Hospitalizations - Comparing Aug 22 to the trailing info shows hospitalizations are now less than what they were March 21, 2020. That was the first whole week of the virus outbreak. An excellent sign of recovery. This comes from he CDC Web Site. Third Picture: Number of Deaths by Week - I've been keeping this since, for some strange reason, I can't find any running total that gives real numbers. Lots off Deaths per 1,000 but not a single one with actual numbers totaled. Please note that Aug 22 is not worth counting since the next numbers will increase all weeks going back for maybe 6 or 7 weeks. What this does show is that we are back on the decline and the falling new cases and hospitalizations should speed the rate of decline. All in all, the situation is no where near out of control. A couple of observations. In the last 60 days there have been 147 deaths in the age group 5 to 24 years old. Almost all had other comorbidity issues. In the past 60 days, there have been less than 11,000 deaths of working age people between the ages of 15 and 64. Again, the vast majority with preexisting comorbidity health problem. If you right click on the picture and select "open link in new tab" you will se a larger, easier to read picture.

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