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Sunday, July 19, 2020

China: The new Nazis of the 21st Century

The Ulghurs are a central Asian people who live in Xinjiang. The Chinese have begun development in the Xinjiang area and are pushing the Ulghurs out of the way. They don't consider them Chinese people. Many think this is about Muslims. It's about not being Chinese, wanting them gone and wanting to occupy that land. Today, there are more than 1.5 million Ulghurs being held in 28 locations in what the Chinese communists are calling "vocational training centers". You can see it is hard to tell what vocation they are training them for. Many tens of thousands have simply disappeared. Remember, first it was the Jews in 1935, then the Rhineland in 1938 and Sudentland which Hitler claimed were always Germany. Czechoslovakia in 1939 then later that year, Poland. All while we sat on our hands as the democrats and Roosevelt dithered. Asking Hitler for peace in 1938. We all know how that worked out. More than 100 million people dead. For the last decade, it's been the Uhlgurs, Now it's Hong Kong and Taiwan, the south China Sea.....all which the Chinese say have been theirs all along. Now they are heightening tensions with India.... Trump is moving against China with huge naval movement, hundreds of aircraft and hardware into the region and you can hear the left scream ever louder. They have whispered in our ears for a decade and tell us the Chinese are not our enemy as they've been slipping the noose around us for more many years..."It's Russia, stare at Russia, ignore the Chinese" Russia...Russia...Russia..." During an online fundraiser on Monday night, July 13, 2020, Biden said "women hold up half the sky," that is a word for word direct quote from Mao. Last year "China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man," the former vice president said. "I mean, you know, they're not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They're not competition for us" Earlier: "They can't even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean the west," Biden said without elaborating....this is out guy for the next four years!?!? Of course there is the Hunter Biden deal for $1.5 billion to start a hedge fund for a young man fresh out of being ejected by the Navy and likely had no idea what hedge funds are for. Hedge funds are a very complicated business and a billion and a half to box in the VP of the United States and stand this failing fool up as the next president....petty cash to the Chinese who are well known for their bribery.

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