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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Police Burst into Hotel Room To Rescue Kidnapped Age 8 Girl

A walk through a residential neighborhood should be pretty safe and straightforward. Plenty of people go on walks with their dogs, children and friends without batting an eye. But in May, one neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas, experienced quite the scare. A mother - who wishes to remain unnamed - was walking with her 8-year-old daughter, Salem Sabatka, when the two were approached and a man grabbed Salem. He forced the girl into his car while fighting off her mother. Thankfully, a neighbor's doorbell camera caught the car and part of the attack. Later that day, a tip came in regarding Forest Hill's WoodSpring Suites hotel, and Forest Hill police showed up to the room of 51-year-old Michael Webb. Seeing no sign of the girl, they left - but Webb had forced Salem to hide in a laundry basket and threatened to harm her and her family if she made any sounds, according to a video by Inside Edition. Thankfully, another tip came in when a friend of the family spotted the wanted vehicle in the parking lot of the same hotel, and this time Fort Worth police showed up, broke down the door, hauled out a naked Webb and discovered Salem's hiding place.

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