The assassination of President Kennedy was the "9/11 moment" that people who lived in the 1960's remember most vividly. It completely transformed the nation. President Kennedy ("JFK") wished to present a show of unity in Vice President Johnson's home state of Texas. Because of a political feud between Governor John Connally, Jr., and Senator Ralph Yarborough (both Democrats), the president decided to tour the state with both men. On Friday, November 22, 1963, JFK and Jacqueline Kennedy were in an open limousine riding slowly in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. At 12:30 pm the president was struck by two rifle bullets, one at the base of his neck and one in the head. He was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Governor Connally, though also wounded, recovered. Vice President Johnson took the oath as president at 2:38 pm. Lee Harvey Oswald, a 24-year-old Dallas citizen, was accused of the slaying. Two days later Oswald was shot to death by Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner with connections to the criminal underworld, in the basement of a Dallas police station. A presidential commission headed by the chief justice of the United States, Earl Warren, later found that neither the sniper nor Ruby "was part of any conspiracy, domestic or foreign, to assassinate President Kennedy," but that Oswald had acted alone. The Warren Commission, however, was not able to convincingly explain all the particular circumstances of Kennedy's murder. In 1979 a Select Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives declared that although the president had been slain by Oswald, acoustic analysis suggested the presence of a second gunman. But this declaration did little to squelch the theories that Oswald was part of a conspiracy involving either CIA agents angered over Kennedy's handling of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, or members of organized crime seeking revenge for Attorney General Bobby Kennedy's investigations, or Vice President Johnson's enmity towards JFK, or Fidel Castro, the KGB, or various combinations of these. In 1998, the Assassinations Records Review Board unearthed inconsistencies in the prior investigations, and the Board's chief analyst for military records contended that the brain photographs in the Kennedy records were probably not of Kennedy's brain. Kennedy's assassination, the most notorious political murder of the 20th century, remains a source of bafflement, controversy, and speculation. Many of those who believe in a JFK assassination conspiracy also believe that evidence against Oswald was either planted, forged, or tampered with. As many as 2,000 books have been written about this assassination. For conspiracy, by definition, more than one person would have had to be involved. If any of the following were true, it would highly suggest a conspiracy: -At least one witness would be killed to prevent them from talking. - At least one witness would be killed as an example to keep others from talking. -At least one bullet would be in Connally's leg, destroying the single bullet theory. - At least one of the four bullets which struck Officer Tippit would not be from Oswald's handgun. -At least one eyewitness would be correct in hearing shots from the Grassy Knoll. -At least one eyewitness who saw gunmen and smoke at the Grassy Knoll would be telling the truth. -At least one person with the power to order a cover-up would do so. -At least one government agency would withhold evidence in multiple investigations. -At least one Oswald photo would be tampered with. -At least one Zapruder frame would be switched or . -At least one CIA operative would claim in a deathbed confession that Johnson originated the "Big Event". -At least one Parkland doctor would tell the truth about entrance wounds in JFK's neck and back and right temple.. -At least one Oswald note to the Dallas FBI office would be destroyed. -At least one set of Hume autopsy notes would be burned. -At least one autopsy photo would cover JFK's head wound. -A rifle stamped "7.65 Mauser" found on the 6th floor would morph into a Mannlicher Carcano. -At least one FBI analyst would declare the rifle to be unusable and incapable of being aimed. -Three "tramps" hiding in boxcars would be questioned, released and never identified. -Oswald would be photographed at the time of the motorcade standing in front of the TSBD. -Gerald Ford would admit moving JFK's back wound up by 5 inches. -HSCA investigator Sprague would be fired when he insisted on a subpoena of CIA documents. -HSCA investigator Blakey would admit years later that the CIA covered up. -Arlen Spector would propose that a single pristine bullet would cause 7 wounds to JFK and Connally. -A paraffin test would prove that Oswald did not fire a rifle on Nov. 22. -Jack Ruby would shoot Oswald to prevent a trial. -Oswald's interrogation would not be recorded or transcribed. -Seven FBI officials due to testify at HSCA would die within 6 months in 1977. -George De Morenschildt would "shoot himself" the day of his HSCA interview. - Ferrie would die of a brain aneurysm the day after he was declared a witness in the Garrison/Shaw trial. -Dorothy Kilgallen would die from a drug overdose just days after she claimed she would "break the case wide open". Her notes and manuscript were never found. -William Sullivan, FBI #3, would be shot and "mistaken for a deer" just before he was due to testify at HSCA. He was going to blow the case wide open and predicted that he would be murdered. -Jack Ruby would die of galloping cancer 29 days after being injected "for a cold", and awarded a new trial. -John Paisely, CIA Deputy Director, would be shot and thrown in the ocean before he could testify at HSCA. -Regis Kennedy, Oswald's FBI handler, would die of a "heart attack" the day before he was to meet HSCA. -William Pawley, investor in Cuba, worked with anti-Castro Cubans and involved in Executive Action to assassinate foreign leaders, would shoot himself prior to his scheduled HSCA testimony. -Ruby's lawyer would die, and two reporters in Ruby's apt. 11/24/63 would be murdered in one year -Gary Underhill, CIA agent, predicted his death and would be murdered shortly afterwards. -Grant Stockdale, JFK friend, would tell his attorney that people were trying to get him, and "jump" off a building. -Dr. Mary Sherman, a cancer researcher who worked with Ferrie, Judyth Baker and Oswald in developing a cancer virus to assassinate Castro, would die in an apartment fire the same day the Warren Commission came to New Orleans. -Guy Banister, ex-FBI agent who knew Ferrie and Oswald, would have a "heart attack" but a bullet hole was found. -Warren Reynolds, who told the FBI that the man he saw running from the Tippit murder scene was NOT Oswald, would be shot in the head, miraculously recover and change his testimony at the WC. -Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK mistress, would be shot while jogging. She said the WC was a "whitewash" and would reveal all in a book. (Her diary was taken by CIA chief Angleton). -Robert Kennedy would be shot in the BACK of the head at close range after winning the 1968 California primary. He told intimates that he would investigate the assassination after becoming president. -Judyth V. Baker would write "Me and Lee" about her 1963 relationship with Oswald in New Orleans. Baker confirmed FBI and former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden's account that a FBI informant named "Lee" warned of a possible assassination attempt in Chicago three weeks before Dallas. JFK's trip was cancelled with a cover story that he had a "cold". -Seventy (70) of 656 individuals in the Simkin JFK Index would die suspiciously, 44 unnaturally. The probability of 44 unnatural deaths among the 656 is less than P= 1 in 100,000 trillion trillion trillion (4.4X 10 to the 41st power).
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