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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Man representing himself makes a fool of corporate lawyer in epic confrontation.

Hello my name is Muhammad Hassan. I am an attorney and I would like for you to please read this summary of events before you listen to this recording, so you may be able to truly appreciate how remarkable this is. The pretty lady with the blond hair is the attorney who gets destroyed in this call, her name is Jessica E. Wilcox and she is an attorney for a firm called Smith Freed & Eberhard in Portland/Salem Oregon (many lawyers who listen to this are gonna laugh their heads off at Jessica getting dismantled because Smith Freed is known for doing lame ''how to do law videos'' like ''Yelp I have been defamed'' and even Jessica Wilcox is listed as a ''super lawyer on their site''. Here Jesicca is going up against a man who was framed by a discriminatory property management company (NWPPM) Northwest Pacific Property Management 4280 Chaney Way SE, Salem, OR 97302 and a corrupt BOLI investigator named Rafael Colin who tried to help Northwest Pacific Property Management frame this innocent man by saying he was rude to him and cussed him out as well, during the investigation. FYI based on my research Oregon is one of the most corrupt and places in America, so this should not be surprising. I guess because the Plaintiff was named Islam... NWPPM and Rafael Colin thought he was a Muslim and tried to frame him. NWPPM denied him and his family housing and lied about how he conducted himself on the phone to justify their actions, basically saying he was rude, made crazy demands like free hotel stay in the event of an Earthquake and cussed at them and Rafael confirmed their story by saying Islam was just as rude and unhinged to him. What they did not know was that not only was Islam not a Muslim, but he had 15 years of perfect rental history and a close relationship with every landlord he had ever had, and all of them where chatting with him waiting for a reference check call by NWPPM which never happened ... oh and did I mention that he had been trained by and worked with G.Gorden Liddy! Yes, THAT ONE! The FBI agent that Nixon used to break in to Watergate. lol At the end of the day Islam had tape recorded everything, you see he was a tutor for advanced math and science students and all his calls are automatically recorded, thus he was now able to prove that this company Northwest Pacific Property Management 4280 Chaney Way SE, Salem, OR 97302 does frame innocent people and does train their staff on how to lie and what lies to tell. In this call... Islam need to serve legal papers to one of the liars that had attempted to frame him named Marlene Padgett in order to depose her before trail. A State searched showed that Marlene was now the owner of an adult care business listed as '' a state-licensed Adult Foster Home - Class 2 in Dallas, OR.'' He called the business at 10: 30 at night because logically that is when the residents would be in bed and the staff on hand would be free to talk and able to verify the business mailing address, but in this call... at least in my opinion, Jessica tries to make it look like he is calling an old lady from her home to scare and harass her, and that is when Jessica gets taken to school and make to look like a damn fool! Here is where I come in. So Islam put all his recordings on line and asked for help from think tank groups. I looked in to Northwest Pacific Property Management and I have to say as a lawyer myself it is so foolish to have anything to do with this company and yes I totally believe all positive reviews for it, are faked. This company has been fined for asbestos violations, that alone should make you stay away from them. How much asbestos has been unleashed by their negligence that they haven't been caught for? This company also gives no cause evictions to people. Here is how I think their side scam work, it looks to me.. that Patrick Gorham the owner, his office is staffed with people who are related to him, that is why they don't show their last names or photos on their site, and the ones that are not related to him somehow he is renting to, so he pretty much owns them, in my view because they will need a rental and job reference. Whenever he wants extra money he gives a no cause eviction, but doesn't tell the owner who trusted him to manage the property, so to the owner it looks like renters just up and moved on their own. He then uses his cleaning/maintenance company and adds outrageous charges to keep the security deposit, witnesses have come forward and said he uses threats like ''You better be happy and keep quit or I will see what other problems I can find'' . After hearing Islams broadcast, I knew that after they deposed him they would make him an offer and force him in to silence as part of said offer. That is when it hit me, I can make a dead switch media service and whenever someone is going to be silenced by court order, death, or imprisonment I can buy the rights to their story and all materials beforehand thus , the victim still gets the settlement and yet honors the non-disclosure agreement and I broadcast everything. One last bit of advice, whenever dealing with any housing body do not do anything without a 3rd party like the fair housing team monitoring and recording everything. FYI I am not staffed or employed by the Fair Housing team and writing to me does not create a lawyer/ client relationship by default. Follow me on

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