A woman has won a global breakdancing competition for the first time in its 15-year run. Ami from Japan scooped first place from her French rival San Andrea in the tournament, in which 32 talented dancers around the world - 16 women and 16 men - compete to become Red Bull BC One B-Girl and B-Boy World Champions. Moroccan dancer Lil , who lives in Austria, beat Luigi from the US in the male category. Until this year, the competition, which was launched in 2004, only featured male contenders. Saturday's final, held at the Hallenstadion in the Swiss city of Zurich, was broadcast live on YouTube and watched by tens of thousands online. Catch some of the highlights in the player above.
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Sunday, September 30, 2018
NYPD Aim Guns At Innocent Homeless Man.
According to this latest report, the unidentified homeless man was minding his own business when police suspected him of criminal activity and aimed their guns at him; causing a incident at the subway in NYC. I guess America is not just becoming a police state, IT IS A POLICE STATE!! Tyranny at it's absolute FINEST. This is why I have NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER to police; regardless of what state they patrol in.
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BREAKING - McDonalds in CUBA
Looks yummy, the hamburger looks okay as well.
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Boat party disrupted by patrol police
Now the party is really getting started
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Aquarius migrants disembark in Malta
Fifty-eight migrants onboard the rescue ship Aquarius have been allowed to disembark in Malta after iniitally being barred entry. After negotiations between French President Emannuel Macron and Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Valetta agreed to accept the migrants on condition they will be transferred to other countries. The migrants - who come from Libya, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan and Somalia - are expected to be taken in by Portugal, Spain, France and Germany. The Aquarius - which is operated by humanitarian organization M'edecins Sans Fronti`eres - has been at the centre of an ongoing political row about migrants attempting to reach Europe from Libya. Italy has refused to allow the ship to dock, saying it helps people smugglers and encourages migrants to make the risky journey across the Mediterranean. Spain and Malta have also previously barred Aquarius from entry. Last week, Panama followed Gibraltar in stripping the vessel of its registration - meaning the rescue ship must soon return to port to get its papers in order. M'edecins Sans Fronti`eres said in a tweet: "No search & rescue vessels currently in the area. No witnesses. People fleeing Libya will continue to die."
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Man Brutally Attacked By Pair Of Pit Bulls
An Arlington, Texas, man lost both of his ears after he was attacked by two dogs this week, according to authorities. The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported. One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man. Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. "He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off," Omar Sturges, Milton's nephew, told the news station. Milton Sturges will now require reconstructive surgery, according to a GoFundMe created to assist with medical expenses.
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The WWII German Naval Fleet Still in Service in 1946
Rare facts I didn't know so far.
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Play Time !
exclusion user 4338<Comments not disabled>tag Cold, frosty snow, bear and man.
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American Sanctions Backfire! Corrupt Oligarchs Forced to Bring Money Back to Russia!
i'm CONVINCED drumpf's intentionally trying to destroy 'murica. he despises the empire and is angry the liberal elite have rejected him. very dangerous at this point. literally everything he does digs his country deeper into its hole. he may just "drain the swamp" by crashing the nation, bankrupting the people and provoking a civil war.
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Shopkeeper Killed with a Shotgun for not Providing Food
google translation The beginning of the incident, as confirmed by investigations of the mabahith, last Ramadan, between the perpetrator and the owner of a supermarket in Al-Manshah station in Sohag governorate, a quarrel developed to tie hands to the owner refused to provide food to the offender during the day of Ramadan. The offender returned to the supermarket several days ago He was shot by a machine gun and fled. https://ift.tt/2Qh26Kr
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Medical Assistant Killed in Front of a Hospital in Drive-by Shooting
Footage of the moment medical assistant Haidar Shaker was killed in front of the educational hospital by unknown gunmen.
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Tis the season for flu
Flu season around the corner so protect yourself guys
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Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg gets trolled by president of Lithuania
He came here last year with huge entourage of evil doctors whos who of Luxembourg government, business, defense, etc... The energy minister of Lithuania and Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg signed interesting bilateral agreement between two countries. According to evil spin doctors of fake news and PR is ON madmen the meeting was about nothing except various pride parades related to kumbaya to benefit you. In reality agreement its about diversionary activity towards equality regime where Luxembourg comes out on top as more equal than Lithuania. At least that is the goal of the first impression for generating the hate of such cooked books of tar budgets. You know EU has all kinds of directives about battling green house gases, global warming, emissions quota, ozone holes, etc.. So this particular directive 2099/28/EB is about linguistic lulzboats called dependency on fossil fuels, foreign oil, etc.. So it requires countries to start switching their energy sector towards renewable sources of energy. In reality they are not talking about renewable energy. It's about military linguistics encryption for deforestation. Somewhat similar to narrative in Cameron movie Avatar. It's as if they hate forests. It's as if they are alibabas from sandy desserts and trees associate for them with evil spirits or something. So from attrition warfare standpoint It's about cutting branches the nation is sitting on. So lithuania is outperforming all such directives stripping the land from trees and forests turning everything that is green into dead logs subject for burning. Notice if you generate energy by using wood - you're essentially have crematorium in your neighborhood. So this agreement is about Lithuania cutting it's own forests instead of Luxembourg. You know Luxembourg will not cut the branches they are sitting on - Lithuania will do it for them. If thats not example of cooking books - i don't know what it is. It's true. They are clearing Lithuanian forests at very alarming rate. I can attest first hand as i used to be avid mushroom hunter, going to forests for gathering berries for making preserves, jams, canning for winter, etc.. You go one year it's nice forest - you come back year later - it's just tree stumps. They are printing all kinds of strange stories in fake news. For example some sort of massive deforestation is going on near the polish border where timber gets loaded on heavy machinery and at cover of the night gets transfered to poland. It's obvious matters of national security, but there is no nation or security anymore. Another interesting usage of fake news for battling second effect of deforestation - the inhabitants of the forests. You know animals have nowhere to go. So they vilify them - how wolves attack herds of sheep, how foxes target chicken, how boars destroy crops, how deer and moose attack cars in the highways, etc etc.. Not to mention all those "green light" instruments for starting mass killing crusades such as swine flu, avian flu, foot-and-mouth disease, etc.. Don't make mistake about cooked books that they are planting forests etc.. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are just performing similar book cooking routines as with luxembourg agreement. You know how Russia placed embargo on Polish apples few years ago? Suddenly according to the import-export books Belarus was exporting 3 times more apples than it has grown. So deforestation serves as instrument for creating "land" for settling by settlers, pioneers, etc.. and of course as renewable fuel for crematoriums. They also had this big PR about end of presidency of current president and her finally moving into her own private house that she will built in a new real estate development that they cleared from nice forest. She was homeless before becoming president of lithuania. Keep in mind the Chevron Motto - "human energy". So maybe just maybe - the "renewable energy" is also about those baby booms.
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Miniatur Wunderland: Largest model train set in the world..
I've seen other programs on this train set before but not recently or in such detail. Thought something people would like to check out on a Sunday. All credit to the Guinness World Records YouTube site. From the description: Located in Hamburg, Germany, the Largest model train set has a huge total length of 15,400 m (50,525 ft). To put that into perspective, the length of the train set is enough to get you to the top of Mount Everest - and 6,000 m back down the other side! Read more: http://bit.ly/GWR-Wunderland - Enjoy LL'ers!
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Head-on fatal crash during illegal street race involving Ferrari and Porsche
Three drivers from Poland were illegally racing on Mercedes, Ferrari and Porsche in Dolny Kubin region (Slovakia). All three cars were overtaking ignoring the solid line. Mercedes managed to finish the maneuver. But Ferrari started to break, Porsche first crashed into the Ferrari and then into the Skoda Fabia coming from the opposite direction. As a result, the driver of Fabia died. Porsche driver was taken into custody. Source: https://ift.tt/2xQjyyz Uncut video version here: https://ift.tt/2Nb0u2T
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Understanding The Ghetto People Behavior"
Ghetto people behaviour what I am talking about from what I have experience. https://ift.tt/2R9jbXY
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UK : 'ALL I WANT IS JUSTICE' Girl raped by up to 70 Telford Pakis from age of 12 saw just ONE convicted over vile crimes
A GIRL raped by up to 70 Telford grooming gang members from the age of 12 saw just ONE of the men convicted over the vile crimes. The victim was pregnant at 13 and suffered four years of abuse and faced death threats from the network of paedophiles in the town. The girl - whose ordeal only ended when she fled Telford aged 16 - told The Sunday Mirror the men 'stole her childhood' and said all she wants "is justice". She added: "All I want is justice, because the men who raped me are walking around scot free. "I am terrified they're doing what they did to me to other innocent young girls in Telford. The now 19-year-old said she bumps into her abusers 'every time she goes home'. Balraj Singh, 23, was the only man convicted of abusing her. He was jailed for three and a half years for sexual activity with a child. Lawyer Laura Farris, of Littleton Chambers said there was a "decent" chance of persuading the CPS to reverse its decision not to prosecute key suspects. https://ift.tt/2y2RgjF
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Raz Baraka calls people "retarded" after his N-word video disappears off the internet
I heard Cory Booker's name dropped recently and thought i'd remind folks about his successor. Mayor Raz Baraka of Newark,NJ went on a racial tirade a while back, dropping the n-word in front of mostly women, children and elderly. The tirade was meant to stop blacks from killing other blacks across the city of Newark. The people he was referring to were not present. They are usually located along Broad Street on Friday or Saturday night around 2 am. Since this doesn't speak to the current rhetoric of the losing Democrats, the has been pulled. If anyone has it, PLEASE SHARE!!! ....but the fun doesn't stop there. It seems the "N-word" might be a big social no-no for the Democrats. But, that won't stop Baraka from calling people "retards". I guess some folks with disabilities don't mind being mocked by a comparing their disabilities to gun ownership. Again, the people he is referring to are nowhere to be found. So, Baraka looks like a big imposing leader. The people here are nothing more than his ignorant destructive slaves. He is trash and so is Cory Booker. Newark's current demographics are < 54% african american, < 30% latino, with a remaining and asian minority. The laws here are among the most restrictive in the country, poorly enforced, with a terrible quality of life. The city is, for lack of a better word, a shithole. Don't let these disgusting democratic to the rest of the country what they have done to the city of Newark, NJ!
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Railway Bridge and hanging Ferry across the Kiel Canal
DB's OC-upload inspred me for this. https://ift.tt/2Is7jfF The bridge carries a railway track on top and has a hanging ferry on cables below it. The Kiel Canal is one of the most busy ship canals world wide and connects the Baltic Sea with the NorthSea. https://ift.tt/LCKAbC
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Christine Blasey Ford Caught Lying About Fears Flying
Investigative counsel Rachel Mitchell, cross-examining Christine Blasey Ford at the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, demolished her claim that she could not testify on Monday because she was afraid of flying. Ford and her attorneys refused a Monday hearing, arguing that she was afraid to fly. One of her friends even claimed that her fear of flying was a result of the alleged assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh over 35 years ago. As Politico reported: The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to the Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane. Committee chair Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) then offered to travel to California to interview Ford, relieving her of the need to fly. She declined. There was talk of having Ford drive across the country to make the hearing. Yet under questioning by Mitchell, Ford admitted that she had, in fact, flown across the country to make the hearing. She had also flown to the east coast for a vacation with family in August. She also admitted flying frequently for her work and for her hobbies, including surfing vacations in Hawaii, Costa Rica, and French Polynesia. Ford, laughing nervously, said that it was easier to fly for vacations. Critics had speculated that the sole reason Democrats, and Ford, were refusing a Monday hearing - or even a compromise Wednesday hearing - was because a Thursday hearing would make it almost impossible for the Senate to hold a confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh before the Supreme Court begins its new session on October 1. https://ift.tt/2xGCL5B
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BASTION - Russian anti-ship cruise missile launch
The K-300P Bastion-P (NATO reporting name SS-C-5 Stooge) is a Russian mobile coastal defence missile system. It was introduced into service in 2010.
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Yesterday - The Barrow Row
the video of the Barrow Row day in Ireland, 51 boats yesterday travel 18Km down the barrow .. Hope you enjoy, run time 3 mins, Scroll down for the VIDEO . Video is mostly a highlights of the event. Music : New Day, second suspense. (used for educational purposes) interviews, y are rendering at the moment. Lets see where this video lands and if you request the interviews i'll post that video up later.
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More Criminals Shot on the Sidewalk by Brazilian Police
Bandits attempting a robbery on Rua Corac~ao de Maria in M'eier yesterday came across policemen. After exchanging shots, three bandits kicked and arrested. Mute first video.
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German Week Today
From Aniassy Published on 29.09.2018 Just the length of this video about last week's attacks is an unequivocal statement !!! https://ift.tt/2NTVXaa
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O Muslim! What Are Your Chances of Escaping... THE FIRE!!!
O Muslim! O slave of Allah! According to Muhammad (Allah's Apostle) YOUR chances of escaping "the fire" , are as likely as white hairs on the side of a black ox, and, that out of 73 sects of Islam, only ONE sect shall escape... THE FIRE! Could it be because so many Muslims unwittingly partner Muhammad with Allah when reciting the shahada which comes from the hadith SOOOO many Muslims now believe is weak and fabricated even though it's sahih (sound/authentic)?!?! It's the KORAN that has shirk (partnering with Allah) as unforgivable! NO where in the Koran does it say to recite the shahada and add Muhammad TO Allah IN such a recitation! Is THIS why the number of Muslims to escape "the fire" is like WHITE hairs on the side of a BLACK ox?
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Catalan unionists remove pro-independence symbols at dead of night
Catalan unionist activists have organised themselves into "brigades" which go out at the dead of night, dressed up in laboratory suits to hide their identity, to remove symbols of the region's separatist movement. The putting up and removal of yellow ribbons, which symbolise support for nine jailed separatist Catalan leaders, has been a particularly conflictive issue recently. There have been several clashes between pro-independence and unionist Catalans over these symbols. The so-called "cleaning brigades" say they seek to avoid such confrontation by going out in the middle of the night to remove them and thus "de-politicising" public spaces. The first anniversary of a divisive and outlawed referendum on independence, held on October 1st, 2017, has seen tensions in Catalonia increase again. These activists were filmed in Canet de Mar, on September 11th, 2018.
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Like a bitch - moving in on Kim
"I and Kim Jon Un fell In love and he wrote me beautiful letters"
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Schoolboy trampled to death by 'agitated' elephant in India
A schoolboy was trampled to death earlier this month by an elephant in India after the herd became startled by a group of children who had come to observe the . Footage captured on September 11 in the Suiyyakanari forest in Jharkhand shows the panic that ensued after the group of elephants became startled by the group of children, who were observing the herd up-close. An elephant chases a person through a field before disappearing from view. "The 8-10 year-old-boy, who is believed to be from Kurmi Tola of Chitrapur, died on the spot," said police. Locals expressed their anger at the lack of action from forest officials who had been informed of the herd's presence in the area. "If the forest department was active, then the child's life would have been saved," one local said.
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The Last Seconds of a Motorcyclist on a Wet Road
"In the Pukhovichi district on September 28 at 14 o'clock the 33-year-old Minsker on the motorcycle Honda CBR 1100XX, moving along the highway near the village of Zazerye, ahead of the Hyundai car, went into the oncoming lane. The motorcycle skidded, it capsized on the roadway and collided with a moving car Citroen C5 running a 69-year-old native of the Russian Federation. As a result of an accident from a traumatized motorcyclist died at the scene of the accident. All the drivers were sober."
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Trump Says He "Fell in Love" with Kim Jong Un
Trump is in love. What a prime example of a weak idiocy...
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Most funny thing since a while. WTF is Brexit?
Ultra funny thing not only for people from "ook"
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CNN Manipulation Tactics Adopted by Media Spreading Worldwide
demasked how the western media propaganda works
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Alan Titchmarsh drives sheep over London Bridge
British broadcaster Alan Titchmarsh on Sunday drove a flock of sheep over London Bridge. The annual Sheep Drive event was hosted by the Worshipful Company of Woolmen which preserves the right to shepherd livestock into the city.
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Trump and Kim 'fell in love' during denuclearisation talks, President declares
The US President has revealed he and his North Korean counterpart are "in love". Addressing a cheering crowd at a rally in West Virginia Saturday night, Donald Trump said the pair "fell in love" during talks to encourage Kim Jong Un to reverse North Korea's nuclear capabilities. "That was a big, big problem," he told his supporters. "I was really being tough - and so was he - and we would go back and forth, and then we fell in love, okay?" Trump said Kim sent him "beautiful letters" which brought his guard down during the lengthy peace process. "They're great letters. We fell in love," he repeated. The pair met in-person for the first time in June for a historical Singapore summit which sought to officially commit Pyongyang to denuclearise the Korean peninsula. The North has technically been at war with the South since the end of the 1953 Korean War as a peace treaty was not signed. In recent years, it had stoked tensions with its southern neighbour and their US ally by broadcasting negative propaganda and conducting nuclear missile tests. The tests, some of which entered Japanese airspace, became so rampant that Donald Trump last August warned Kim that he would face " fire and fury like the world has never seen" if he continued. Since then, Kim has halted testing and participated in three peace summits with the US and South Korea, with a fourth planned for the end of the year. Trump has also invited Kim to visit the House in Washington in the future. "That will be a day that I very much look forward to at the appropriate time," he told reporters after their meeting in June.
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Sailing boat gets caught in Mediterranean cyclone
A yacht got into trouble on Saturday off the coast of Greece when it was caught in a Mediterranean cyclone. The vessel was battered by strong winds and lost one of its sails while about six miles from the city of Patras. The crew didn't want to use the boat's motor because they were worried parts of the destroyed sail might be wrapped around the propeller. The coastguard advised the crew to drift towards the port of Patras where better conditions would allow them to free the propeller and motor into port. A tugboat was on standby throughout but wasn't needed as the crew eventually made it to the port safely. The boat was caught in a rare type of storm known as a "Medicane" which can develop in certain conditions over the Mediterranean Sea. The same storm brought swirling winds, rains and flash floods to parts of Greece on Saturday.
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Man Has Arm Ripped Off by Machine
Somehow or another. Skip to 35 seconds.
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The peeps open to trump tweeting more bull about the fbi, his train rape bud, and how he figures we give a sh-t. Let's rap instead, not rape
I don't know about you put even though it's fun to laugh at america daily, isn't it tiring. I mean this crime family in the House is a bit over the top and you got to ask, can don shut the fu-k up. Stop the madness America stop trump, or just rap it.
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Loo Of The Year 2004
Loo of the year 2004 woo hoo. Like really would anybody be that bothered ?
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Tiger On The Loose In Indian Village
It's a spectator sport and the guys on the roof have the best seats in the shithole
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Crazy Naked Woman Walking the Streets Makes the News
A naked woman paralyzed the VLT after lying on the transport rails in S~ao Vicente. According to the City Hall, the woman is 36 years old and had a psychotic outbreak and was admitted to the municipal hospital.
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French man is killed by Migrants "for a laugh" in Nice, France
This is the future of the West
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Decomposition Of The Red Grapes Time Lapse
It is what it says it is. + Bonus insect infestation.
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Truck Drifts Head-on into Minibus Killing the Driver
Accident occurred yesterday. The driver of the minibus died this morning in hospital, the status of the truck driver was not reported.
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Trains still do kill people
A man without a certain place of residence passed an adjustable railway crossing to a prohibitory signal. The driver gave warning signals and applied emergency braking, but the collision could not be avoided,
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Hooked On Brooke: Hervey Bay - Fraser Island
Aussie girl does a bit of sport fishing off the Queensland coast. Important documentary evidence. Youtube channel Hooked On Brooke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4K_x-Su12o9tI9m6MbR9qA
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Girl dies after a speeding car loses control when overtaking
In the early morning of September 27, on a high-speed highway, after the 95-year-old Chen drove in a forcible lane change, the vehicle was out of control, causing a tragedy. After sitting in the back row, the two girls were not wearing seat belts, one minor injury, one Unfortunately killed. According to the traffic police, Chen is suspected of drunk driving, not full of high-speed internship period.
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Car gets smashed between two semi-trucks
On September 29, a traffic accident occurred at the Gaogang intersection. Three cars were chasing the tail, and the car was squeezed into a discus in the middle. Police report: The accident caused one death and the accident is currently being processed.
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Little boy emerges unscathed after being run over in India
This is the incredible moment a young boy was run over in Mumbai, India but somehow emerged unscathed. Security camera footage, which was captured September 24 in the Ghatkopar suburb of the city, shows the boy playing football with his friends in the street. A few moments later, he kneels to ties his shoelaces. The driver doesn't see him as she pulls out of her parking space and drives right over the boy. The youngster immediately leaps to his feet and runs over to his group of friends, apparently unharmed.
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'Secret atomic warehouse': The mystery building at the centre of Israeli PM's claim
This is Mehr Alley in Torquzabad, and this is the same building Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, said was Iran's secret nuclear warehouse at the UN General Assembly last week. He asked Yukio Amano, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to inspect the area, which lies just outside Tehran, before it is cleaned up by the Iranians. But is this place really a secret warehouse where abundant nuclear materials and facilities have been hidden? Since Netanyahu's speech, high-ranking officials in Iran, such as Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and his deputy Abbas Araqchi, have poured scorn on the claims. To follow-up, correspondent Javad Montazeri went to check out the warehouse himself. 'Someone must have fooled him' Unlike other nuclear facilities, which are strictly guarded and secured, this warehouse lacked basic security, Javad says. All that was found were a few security cameras that nearby businesses had, as well as a guard who was prohibited from opening the door by the owner. Tired of the press presence there, he threw a stone at a cameraman who was trying to film inside from behind a fence. Neighbors of the warehouse were stunned by Netanyahu's claims and found them hard to believe. They said the Prime Minister must have been misled and his behavior was putting additional pressure on Iranians. "Somebody must have given him (Netanyahu) this information to fool him," says one Iranian citizen who owns a nearby carpet cleaning business. "Look at this place and you'll notice it is nothing. Its owner doesn't even have enough water to drink. Their water was cut off by the Water Organization for being in debt - now he is supposed to be making atomic bombs?" Another citizen said: "Israel is claiming such things to distract people. They know people are facing a lot of economic pressure so they are trying to make it worse by making others cynical of the regime." IAEA has approved of Iran's compliance with the JCPOA, better known as the Iran nuclear deal, according to its past 12 reports. Iran also claims that it keeps IAEA informed about its activities and is not concerned about allegations to the contrary.
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Riot of colour as separatists throw powder at Barcelona police
Violence erupted in Barcelona on Saturday after Catalan separatists threw brightly coloured powder and projectiles at police, who responded by using batons to keep them back. Separatists had gathered to protest another march by Spanish police demanding better pay. Separatists threw the powder at police, covering anti-riot shields, police vans and the pavement in a central square.
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22-year-old female model is shot and killed in a luxury car.
Tara Fares, 22, is a well-known model in the Iraqi fashion industry. She has 3 million fans on social media. She lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq. She is often active in the Iraqi capital Baghdad due to her working relationship. Tara Fares is not active in politics or human rights. But it is such a person who was killed in broad daylight just because he was wearing "exposure".
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Tractor Reverses Over Man's Head
Couldn't find this on here.
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Thailand hill tribes take part in giant swing festival
Hill tribes in northern Thailand take part in a festival featuring a giant swing soaring over a mountainside. The native Akha people from more than 30 different tribal villages gathered in the Mae Sarong district of Chiang Rai for the event. Festivities featured hill tribe costumes, shows, and activities which showed their daily life and culture. The highlight was the 'Swing Ceremony' in which the Akha people fly through the misty mountain air on 30ft high handmade swings in order to show their thanks to the Goddess of Abundance and pray for good crop yields. The ceremony was also accompanied by celebrations and dancing.
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Diners catch their noodles from a flowing water trough in Japan
An unusual restaurant in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, where noodles flow in channels to diners - who then have to pluck them out of the water with chopsticks. The Somen noodles bar is found on a mountainside where natural waterfalls flow past guests. The unique feature has become a hit and attracts travellers to try the dish.
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VP fears Indonesia death toll could rise into the 'thousands'
At least 408 people have been killed after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami rocked the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday, the country's disaster agency has confirmed. But there are fears the toll could rise to the "thousands" as contact is restored with remote areas where communications were downed, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Saturday. Rescue teams on Sunday were struggling to reach communities in affected parts of the island. Dozens of people are thought to be trapped in the rubble of a hotel and shopping mall in the city of Palu. The Red Cross estimates that more than 1.6 million people in total could have been affected by the disasters. Thousands of buildings were destroyed by the earthquake, which was centered about 48 miles (77km) north of Palu, according to the United States Geological Survey. "We have found corpses from the earthquake as well as bodies swept up by the tsunami," said Indonesia's disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho on Saturday. The waves reached as high as six meters (18 feet), he added, saying some people were able to save themselves by climbing taller trees. Preparations for a beach festival were being made in Palu when waves struck, houses had been swept away and families remain missing. Indonesia's military dispatched cargo planes Saturday carrying medical supplies to affected areas, but rescue efforts were hampered after communications around Palu and a nearby fishing village, Donggala, which lies close to the earthquake's epicentre, had been downed. Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire and is regularly hit by earthquakes. Friday's tremors came weeks after 460 people were killed following an earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok, destroying tens of thousands of buildings and displacing over 400,000 people.
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Sunday drivers on the Ring - TOP 15 CRASHES N"URBURGRING - Nordschleife Top 15 Hardest Crashes compilation 2012 - 2018
Thought suitable for a LiveLeak Sunday.. All credit to Auto Addiction Enjoy!
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Zaitseve, DPR: " It's pure Hell!"
"Our roof is like a sieve! Incendiary shells are flying here, horrible! I collected a full 0.5 liter can of bullets in our garden. I am crawling under the bullets there! - tells resident of Zaitseve. This settlement remains one of the hottest spots in DPR, where positions of Ukrainian army are just few hundred meters away from the residential houses. Neighbors have left their homes and some are killed. Only this old lady with her son are still living on this street. Lydia has only one wish: not to become a crip and to die from being old, not from a Ukrainian shell...
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Kominternove, DPR:
"Nobody even thinks about the future. We only think: "It's 6 p.m. and shelling will start now. A fascist will come and shoot at us. With exploding bullets, grenades, To the center, near the shop where people gather., - Kominternove resident is sighing. For quite few times she managed together with her husband to save their house from fire, walls were riddled with bullets from large-caliber machine guns. But one day their "Brest fortress" has finally fallen. They had to move to another place when there were only walls left from their cozy home. But they aren't leaving Kominternove, as according to Svetlana it's their land!
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B36 Peacemaker
B36 Peacemaker crew member interview with the only restored plane out of 4 left. Sadly he passed away earlier this year
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Thief Steals Handbag From Bakery As Owner Naps
The owner of this bakery had a nap at work, only for a customer to walk in and steal her handbag from under her nose in Laguna, Philippines on September 6.
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Cleaning up at the Oktoberfest
As requested by @TURD-FERGUSON
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Merkel had different views on multiculturalism in the past.
Why the change I wonder?
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For your own! - the list - Start
Tim Kellner Published on 27.09.2018 It is so far! "For the own ones! - the list - goes to the start. www.f"urdieeigenen.de "F"ur die Eigenen - For the own" is an extra-parliamentary and conservative collective movement which has set itself the goal of influencing the political climate in Germany once again in such a way that politics will finally be made for its own people again. Together we are strong! The more we network and get involved, the more important our voices become. Enter yourself in the list! It is high time for change in Germany. For your own! - the list - https://ift.tt/2NOD60i
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Thank you God for sparing us from her!
Creepy, disturbing Clinton moments
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evacuation after the earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala
The evacuation process has begun today. After the earthquake and tsunami that struck Palu and Donggala 2 days ago. The evacuation team has begun to lower heavy equipment to speed up the evacuation process. This amateur was sent by netizens who recorded the evacuation at the Roa Roa Palu Hotel which was flat on the ground. And also an amateur evacuation , where one of the alleged survivors was found because he was still using a helmet. Until now, the evacuation team is still having trouble evacuating because the communication and road access is severely interrupted. Many cracked roads and collapsed buildings.
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Former Federal Prosecutor: Blasey-Ford Not Credible
Sidney Powell gives some insight into the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford
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FBI launches Kavanaugh sex assault probe
The attorney for the second woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct said on Saturday that FBI agents assigned to investigate the allegations have contacted her.

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from Reuters Video: Politics https://ift.tt/2DHyk02
Trump begins five-state blitz amid High Court chaos
President Trump kicks of a week of rallies in five friendly places around the country with just over a month to go before the midterm elections as controversy over his Supreme Court nominee rages on.

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from Reuters Video: Politics https://ift.tt/2xOn1xP
Musk gives up Tesla chairman role in SEC settlement
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Saturday that car-maker Tesla and Chief Executive Elon Musk had agreed to pay $20 million each under a settlement that will also see the billionaire temporarily step down as chairman.

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from Reuters Video: Technology https://ift.tt/2zEZmRC
Saturday, September 29, 2018
French food farm.
A close look at food farms in France
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Bournemouth club evacuated after spraying of "tear gas"
A club in Bournemouth was evacuated on Saturday morning after a canister of suspected teargas was released. Up to 40 people fell ill with coughing fits and itchy eyes and were treated at the scene by paramedics outside the Cameo club. One person was taken to hospital as a precaution. Officers who were called to the incident in Fir Vale Road at 2am on Saturday said the clubbers complained of shortness of breath and stinging eyes. "It was all pretty hectic," said eyewitness Jack Roffey, who also captured this . "Suddenly about 40 people or so people were looking very confused at each other including myself, holding our noses and mouths. There was a strong smell of a substance which did water up my eyes and burn the insides of my nostrils," he said. "At first, we thought it was a stink bomb, but after a while, it was clear it wasn't. The whole club was evacuated in about 5-10 minutes. All the emergency services were outside looking as confused as we were," he added.
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Gubarev and his wife detained, their propaganda media channels were disconnected
This is the second "presidential" candidate in the DNR Terror group that was targeted today Earlier today, Igor "Strelkov" Girkin stated that he completely believed that the Turkish of Pushilin's people planning the assassination is accurate. He also stated that the only real candidate in the DNR Terror group is Pavel Gubarev. https://ift.tt/2Nb6Yi6 SOURCE: https://ift.tt/2NOqK8l https://ift.tt/2Nb6YP8 https://ift.tt/2NOqKFn https://ift.tt/2Nb6Yi6 In the "DNR" all Gubarev's media were disconnected and the assembly of his movement. - Earlier today, the wife of terrorist "presidential" candidate Pavel Gubarev disappeared at 10:00am. - Gubarev put out messages that his wife has been missing for two hours and he didn't rule out the possibility that she was arrested https://ift.tt/2Nb6YP8 - A few hours later, he posted online that he found her, and he was in the company of Pushilin - https://ift.tt/2NOqKFn - Just hours later, Gubarev's "government" was broken up and all his "propaganda channels" were disconnected and put offline - "At the same time, the militant comrade of Pavel Gubarev, Alexander Zhuchkovsky, stated that in the "DPR" all Internet resources of the "Novorossiya" media holdings of Gubarev were disconnected." https://ift.tt/2NOqK8l Pushilin's gang has been steadily taking out his competition within the last couple of weeks before the election is the land the terror group is occupying. Pavel Gubarev Katerina Gubareva
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E is not equal to MC2
Niththiyananda says so!
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brazilian phil collins cover
well this is an FB stuff but ......share here anyway .....the guy has good potential ....surfer background style
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DNR Infighting: Bomb targets a
SOURCE: https://ift.tt/2IomIO1 https://ift.tt/2OkO65a https://ift.tt/2IonkTP https://ift.tt/2zEcoPj I said things were about to get hot in the DNR. After the revelation from Turkish Intelligence, in a secretly recorded where Pushilin's sidekick was in Istabnul. It looks like terrorist leaders are taking their fight to the streets. An explosion directly targeted the head of the DNR terror group's communist faction. Three people were hospitalized as a result of the explosion in the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk. The specified data was provided to journalists in the Ministry of Health of the DNR. Terrorist Igor Khakmiyazov, who was vying for the "president" position in the terrorist "republic" was seriously injured. PICTURES FROM THE SCENE
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Watch: Tsunami thrashes Palu in Indonesia
Footage has emerged of a devastating tsunami which swept the city of Palu in Indonesia while hundreds were attending a beach festival. More than 380 people died after a 7.5 magnitude quake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi Friday, powering waves which reached up to six metres high, destroying buildings and sweeping away families that cross its path. Amas was watching the festival when the waves hit, and captured the impact on camera. Her sister Viky Nadyah told that Amas then sheltered in a four-storey parking lot for seven hours after seeing vehicles below being carried away by the tsunami. Watch her eyewitness footage in the player above.
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Robber Shot Dead by Police During Hostage Situation
An assault on a lottery house in the neighborhood of Gloria, West Zone of Manaus, ended in exchange of shots. Three suspects died after the shooting with police officers who attended the incident. The fact happened around 1 pm this Friday (28). According to witnesses, the trio arrived armed at the place. Two of them entered the lottery, while the third was outside. It was at that moment that the police prevented the action and there was an exchange of shots. Videos made by area residents show the timing of the shooting. One of the men died on the spot. The other two were taken to the Hospital and Emergency Room August 28, but could not resist their injuries.
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How the opioid crisis decimated the American workforce
In northeastern Ohio, employers say they see jobseekers all the time who look like "the walking dead," would-be workers struggling with opioid addiction. The problem is so great, reports economics correspondent Paul Solman, that it's had a noticeable effect on the nation's labor force.
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Sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite
Brand new recliner infested with bed bugs. It's not even October yet but let the horror show begin
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Flamethrower footage from the Battle of Balikpapan (1945)
Footage from The Battle of Balikpapan, one of the last major battles of ww2 before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the War in the Pacific. Japan had surrendered while the Australians were still rounding up the Japanese stragglers.
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Has China Taken Over America?
Millie Weaver covers statements recently made by Alex Jones at a rally in Austin, Texas where he alleges that and big tech have unilaterally compromised the United States. Are the statements made by Alex Jones' true or just a conspiracy theory? Let's investigate. ***Get The Official Infowars App Today! https://ift.tt/2ANhXxB https://ift.tt/2y2dUsi
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Baby boy left adorably confused by his reflection
This is the adorable moment a baby was left baffled by his reflection in the mirrors of a clothes shop changing room. The cute scene was captured in Mumbai, India last year. "It was right before his first birthday when we were shopping for his birthday dress coat," said the boy's father, Vinayak Medhekar. "We left him in the changing room and you can see what happened..."
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Deaths of despair" are surging in white America
shocking increase in midlife mortality among non-Hispanic Americans, exploring patterns and contributing factors to the troubling trend. Case and Deaton find that while midlife mortality rates continue to fall among all education classes in most of the rich world, middle-aged non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. with a high school diploma or less have experienced increasing midlife mortality since the late 1990s. This is due to both rises in the number of "deaths of despair"-death by drugs, alcohol and suicide-and to a slowdown in progress against mortality from heart disease and cancer, the two largest killers in middle age. The combined effect means that mortality rates of whites with no more than a high school degree, which were around 30 percent lower than mortality rates of blacks in 1999, grew to be 30 percent higher than blacks by 2015. Case and Deaton find that deaths of despair are rising in parallel for both men and women without a high school degree, and these deaths of despair have increased in all parts of the country and at every level of urbanization. The states with the highest mortality rates from drugs, alcohol and suicide, among white non-Hispanics aged 45-54, are geographically scattered. In 2000, the epidemic was centered in the southwest. By the mid-2000s it had spread to Appalachia, Florida, and the west coast. Today, it's country-wide.
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Christian gang violence in the U.S
Violence is not about the race, it's about religion ( islamophobics have said that ), christians represent 95% of chaos in the U.S
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German grandmother harassed while telling a story about refugees
A 75 year old woman in Hamburg tells her story of how she was sexually harassed by African migrants to a journalist as suddenly "integrated" Muslims rudely interrupt her, insist that she insults Islam, claim they rebuilt Germany and consequently deny any crimes against Christians by Muslims. While on the Subway train, an African migrant showed the old woman pictures of an erect Penis and asked if it was "Good, Good?". While she was sitting on a bench at a train station, a migrant shouted " YOU!" after she refused to show him the contents of her bag. Natives in her street, mostly the elderly, are outnumbered 250 to 490. Robberies, theft and sexual harassment of both young girls as well as the elderly are now commonplace. Her friends have been repeatedly robbed by migrants in grocery stores, the stores themselves have given up fighting against shoplifting, within 14 days "refugees" broke into the same mansion twice and the police is completely helpless against the sudden surge of violent crime. During New Year's Eve, she had to be escorted by a married couple as hundreds of migrants gathered near her Church, didn't let her through and later went on to harass girls in what is known as the "Night of Shame" - with multiple violent mass sexual assaults, with over 500 assaulted German girls in Cologne alone.
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Google's Communist Search Engine Revealed
Right before your very eyes, a counter government is forming. Basing its control of your fellow citizens on content guidelines, vague hate speech penalization, and an emerging social credit system. In direct violation to our BIll of Rights. And this new Silicon Valley Technocracy is only getting started. TEch Crunch reported on former Google research scientist Jack Poulson who rose a red flag concerning Google's Project Dragonfly. Poulson stated "As has been widely understood, by human rights organizations, investigative reporters, Google employees, and the public, Project Dragonfly directly contradicts the AI Principles' commitment to not 'design or deploy' any technology whose purpose 'contravenes widely accepted principles of [...] human rights.' " ***Get The Official Infowars App Today! https://ift.tt/2ANhXxB https://ift.tt/2y2dUsi
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Man beaten up by gang of christians in Baltimore
It's not a troll, they're really christians, Why you insist on "Muslim refugees, Muslim gangs, Muslim aggressors" but when things happen in the US you specify race, not religion? These things are daily in the U.S, christians and atheists kill each others, U.S is because of them, enjoy it!
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Trump Silences The Laughter At The UN
The hornet's nest of globalists swarming within the United Nations assembly laughed openly at President Donald Trump after he informed the assembly of his administration's America first progress in just two years. The reaction didn't stop Trump from zeroing in on his Administration's aggressive stance towards the Iranian regime's threat to peace. ***Get The Official Infowars App Today! https://ift.tt/2ANhXxB https://ift.tt/2y2dUsi
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Deep State Authority To Be Trumped
America is already under Martial Law due to COG provisions in place since the 1960s. And currently the Deep State operates under Obama Era provisions utilized by his moles inhabiting the Trump Administration. The slate must be wiped clean in order to put the United States back on the path of freedom. ***Get The Official Infowars App Today! https://ift.tt/2ANhXxB https://ift.tt/2y2dUsi
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Grass Fire Burns Along Highway 4 in Martinez, CA. SEP 28-2018 *Liveleaker OC*
I caught this on my cell phone camera yesterday just before 2:00 pm, and before any fire fighters or police had arrived on Arnold Drive, a frontage road along Highway 4, when I first drove up I thought some idiot threw a cigarette out on the highway. It quickly became apparent that it was a line of small separate fires spread over a quarter mile distance, each one starting on the upper highway side. Nothing was really threatened by the flames but it was sobering from my POV to see how fast the fire can travel as seen in certain parts of the videos. I'm still wondering what might have caused so many small fires in a row like that. Any ideas, ? .
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F-35 Lightning jets land on HMS Queen Elizabeth for the first time 28/09/2018
One of the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers conducting flight trails. SP
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World War 1 "Battle Buses" go on display in Covent Garden
The last four surviving B-type "Battle Buses" pulled into Covent Garden Piazza in central London on Saturday where the public had the chance to see the vehicles, some of which were used to transport troops to the Western Front. More than 2,500 of these buses were built between 1910 and 1914. 1,000 were used for war service. The London Transport Museum said this was "a rare chance to see the last four surviving B-type buses - the world's first reliable, mass-produced motor bus - on display together for the final time."
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Tech Trust Fuels Antifa Threats Towards Americans
The dark army of brainwashed Soros millennials are claiming they are ready to cross the Rubicon. PJ Media has done excellent work documenting the avalanche of anti American lunacy. In May, A Los Angeles Red Guards Antifa Group hung a Trump effigy and boasted online that the time had come for revolutionary violence. In August, " A Los Angeles-based antifa group is calling for a "sea of armed masses" to use "revolutionary violence against the enemies of the people" and ultimately "take power" in America, Far Left Watch reports. they called for "militant escalations" and for the "defense of their undocumented working-class immigrant communities by any means necessary. Calling for attacks on Border Patrol and ICE agents. While in Durham, North Carolina left wing vandals held a two day conference on how to topple a statue. Openly promoting criminal acts on Facebook. The post is still there by the way. ***Get The Official Infowars App Today! https://ift.tt/2ANhXxB https://ift.tt/2y2dUsi
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HMS Queen Elizabeth - first F-35B Operations
Raw videos from yesterday
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Last sea$$on footage recap.
Last sea$$on footage recap.
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BRI calls for actions, not skepticism
A healthy dose of skepticism is always important. However, the capacity of commitment is definitely the key to make any vision come true. That is also true for the Belt and Road Initiative, also known as the BRI.
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Owner bids for ice-skating dog to become hockey mascot
Benny was once living in a kill shelter, waiting to be put down. But when Cheryl Del Sangro saw a picture of the puppy, she knew she had to take him home. The Las Vegas resident already had three dogs, so Benny would have friends to bond with. Eventually, Cheryl found the Labrador retriever was a teachable animal, so being a retired semi-professional skater and ice-skating coach for over 20 years, why not take him on as her next student? Using a pair of self-made skates for his front two paws, Cheryl introduced Benny to the ice, who she says has been improving rapidly. So much so that she has set her sights on convincing her local National Hockey League Franchise, the Vegas Golden Knights, to take on the now six-year-old pooch as a mascot. Watch Benny glide on the ice in the player above.
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The cat had enough of Becky's bulls*it
It's too early in the morning for this
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Bigotry Alive and Well in Russia: Russian Woman Insults Face of American Black Woman
Ignorant bigoted Russian woman on Tor dark web insults and mocks the facial appearance of a American woman.
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Two boys among 7 Palestinian protesters killed by Israeli soldiers
Two boys aged 12 and 14 were among seven Palestinians shot and killed by Israeli soldiers on Friday. The victims had gathered at the border of the Gaza Strip with thousands of others for weekly protests that have been going on for the last six months. Israel's military said troops resorted to live fire and an air strike after demonstrators threw explosive devices and rocks. The soldiers also wanted to prevent breaches of the border fence from the Islamist Hamas-controlled enclave. Health officials in Gaza said more than 500 people were wounded - 89 of them by gunshots. At least 191 Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza demonstrations began on March 30. Protesters are demanding the right of return for Palestinians driven out on Israel's founding in 1948, and the easing of an economic blockade. A sniper in the Islamist Hamas-controlled enclave has killed one Israeli soldier and incendiary devices flown over the border by Palestinians using kites and balloons have set off fires that destroyed forest and farmland in Israel.
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US F-35 military fighter jet crashes during training missing
America's most expensive military weapons programme has suffered its first loss after a Marine F35B fighter jet crashed during a training mission in South Carolina. The pilot ejected before the crash and no one on the ground was injured, authorities say. An investigation into the cause of the accident is underway. The F35 programme is used by the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and boasts a design that allows it to avoid radar detection. The programmes has been criticised for testing problems, delays and cost overruns. The Marine version of the jet is capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings. One flew its first combat mission in Afghanistan on Thursday (September 27). The lost jet cost about 86 million euros but a new contract is expected to knock about 10 million off the price.
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UKIP leader Gerard Batten: Muslim ideology legitimises sex slaves
UKIP party leader Gerard Batten tells Sky News that Muslim ideology "legitimises sex slaves" and says he stands by his belief that Islam is a "death cult".
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Afternoon arrival of Geared Bulker Into Cairns..28/9/18 Enjoy the view from your pew..ships 4 eva ..enjoy the w/end..clink clink.
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Boats smashed as big storm hits Malta
A cyclone brought high winds and huge waves to the island of Malta on Friday. A showed several boats which were destroyed or sunk by the extreme weather.
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How to Drive a Lorry Properly (1965)
Some driving tips for you truckers out there. SP
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Jeez open the peeps to trump ranting about his favourite rapist judge, boring. How about Kristine bell reading trump tweets like gossip girl.
Might as well crack a smile this morning, it's a great day even with trump disturbing the universe harmony on a daily basis. Let mr Rogers announce that ' covfefe.'
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Pedestrain on his phone: Any time today, mate!
Get your head out of your phone! The number of times he could've crossed in this time!!! That's in Stockport. And after that, in Salford Quays, comes a bonus for an area I've featured before when a UPS truck did a u-turn in a "no u-turn" zone.
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Yet another Kavanaugh accuser with a chequered past.
Looks like Avenatti isn't too concerned about the legitimacy of his clients, especially those who allege complaints about Brett Kavanaugh. "The woman who charges she was gang-raped at a party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was present, Julie Swetnick, had a lawsuit filed against her by a former employer that alleged she engaged in "unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct" towards two male co-workers, according to court documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. WebTrends, a web analytics company headquartered in Portland, filed the defamation and fraud lawsuit against Swetnick in Oregon in November 2000 and also alleged that she lied about graduating from Johns Hopkins University. Swetnick alleged Wednesday that she was gang raped at a party where Kavanaugh was present in the early 1980s. Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the allegation. Swetnick is represented by Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, who claims she had an affair with President Donald Trump. WebTrends voluntarily dismissed its suit after one month. Avenatti told The Daily Caller News Foundation that the case was ended because it was "completely bogus." Swetnick's alleged conduct took place in June 2000, just three weeks after she started working at WebTrends, the complaint shows. WebTrends conducted an investigation that found both male employees gave similar accounts of Swetnick engaging in "unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct" toward them during a business lunch in front of customers, the complaint said. Swetnick denied the allegations and, WebTrends alleged, "in a transparent effort to divert attention from her own inappropriate behavior ... [made] false and retaliatory allegations" of sexual harassment against two other male co-workers. "Based on its investigations, WebTrends determined that Swetnick had engaged in inappropriate conduct, but that no corroborating evidence existed to support Swetnick's allegations against her coworkers," the complaint said." [url]https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-28/former-employer-sued-third-kavanaugh-accuser-sexual-harassment-allegations[/url]
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Too cute! Rescue kitten pokes head through hole in box at shelter
Just an adorable clip of a rescue kitten called McNugget poking his head through a cardboard box. The cute moment was captured on September 22 by a volunteer at an animal shelter called ACCT Philly in Philadelphia, USA. "Kittens that are too small to be in cages in maternity are in cardboard carrier boxes with a blanket and a heated rice sock to keep them warm," the filmer explained. "The shelter recently got new boxes with these big round holes on the side and the kittens that are big enough, like to stick their heads through it and peek out," she added. "McNugget is a 4-week-old single kitten that was brought into the shelter as a stray," she said. "He had returned from overnight care and was on the shelf with other litters of kittens that had also returned. I walked over to visit the other kittens in the cages in maternity and McNugget started popping his head out of the box for attention. I walked over to see him and he stuck his mouth through the hole and started loudly meowing. I was afraid he wasn't going to get his head stuck, so as you can hear in the I tell him to put his head back in before he gets hurt and he actually does it with one final meow," she said. The story has a happy ending for McNugget: he was taken into long-term foster care the same day that the clip was filmed. "He is now thriving in his foster home," the filmer said. According to ACCY Philly's website, it's mission is to "provide shelter, care and life saving efforts for homeless, abandoned, and abused and protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Philadelphia, providing a benefit to all of the citizens of the City regardless of race or economic status."
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Bottomless girl on a train
On some type of drug per OP
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Typhoon Trami hits Okinawa, Japan
A powerful typhoon brought heavy rain and high winds as it battered southern Japan on Saturday. Tyhpoon Trami forced authorities to cancel flights and power outages were reported in several cities. Outlying islands in the Okinawan chain, around 1,000 km southwest of Tokyo, were being pounded by heavy rain and high tides on Saturday.
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Assisted living center employee accused of stabbing resident with fork
When you put a loved one in a home, the last thing you would hope for or expect is for them to be abused. Haines City police are looking for an assisted living facility employee accused of doing the unthinkable; stabbing a resident with a fork. According to police documents, the incident happened on Sept. 23 at Haines Manor Assisted Living Facility. According to police, Jessica Stephenson, who is an employee, was captured on stabbing an elderly resident several times with a fork on her right hand. Stephenson can be seen on the grabbing the 76-year-old victim who has dementia, and according to police, stabbing her with the fork. Stephenson later quit her job and walked out.
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Surveillance footage captures brutal beating of Kona security guard
Authorities have released of three people accused of trying to kill a security officer at a Kona hotel. Security guard John Kanui is still recovering from life-threatening injuries while his three alleged assailants are behind bars. Meanwhile, suspects Wesley Samoa, Lama Lauvao and Natisha Tautalatasi pleaded not guilty to attempted murder on Friday. Investigators said Kanui was responding to a complaint about loud noise in the hotel's parking lot just after midnight on Sep. 17. They say when Kanui approached the group, they started yelling at him, which then escalated to them pulling him from his security golf cart and taking turns punching and kicking him in his face even after he appears to be unconscious.
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Sheriff's office releases video of 35-mile police chase
****No audio Sheriff's deputies and state patrol troopers chased a stolen Lexus for nearly 40 miles Friday afternoon before the SUV was stopped using spike strips. Police attempted to pull over a stolen Lexus around 7:30 p.m. in Seattle, police officers said. The Lexus took off - nearly hitting an officer - and police chased the vehicle northbound on I-5. The pursuit ended in the Arlington area on the Stillaguamish Bridge. Police used spike strips to stop the SUV. No other details of the pursuit were immediately released.
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Police release officer-involved shooting body cam footage
****Police did edit out the shooting On Sept. 13 at about 4:15 a.m. Officers responded to a call in the 500 block of Point Vista Avenue, near Galleria Drive and Patrick Lane, When they arrived, a woman was screaming inside the residence. Police entered the home and found a man armed with a box cutter in a closet. Police issued commands for the man to drop the box cutter but he did not follow their commands. Police said he lunged at them and he was then shot by officers. He died of his injuries. The second incident stems from a violent robbery call at about 5 a.m. on Sept. 22 in the area of Teton Ranch Avenue and Carnegie Street, that turned into a chase ending near Auto Show Drive. The suspect initially failed to stop his vehicle and once he did officers said he exited the vehicle with a gun and fled on foot. Shots were fired soon after and the suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene.
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Golden Snail Hot Pot - Vietnam Restaurant
Rusty knives are optional. This Vietnamese restaurant's specialty is Snail Hot Pot, which (supposedly) wont be found anywhere else in Vietnam. The hot pot includes golden apple snails and rice snails which are extremely difficult to tell apart to an untrained chef. . Nom, nom, nom.
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Netanyahu UNGA-speech about "Iranian nuclear weapons warehouses"
He claims a rug cleaning centre in "Turqouzabad" is a "nuclear weapon warehouse"......lol
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Black guy loves fried chicken
If I said that people like fried chicken would I be branded a ? Should people complain to the for this article?
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384 confirmed dead after 7.5 earthquake rocks Indonesia
At least 384 people have been killed and more than 350 injured after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami rocked the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday, the country's disaster agency has confirmed. Thousands of buildings were also destroyed by the quake, which was centered about 48 miles north of the city of Palu, according to the United States Geological Survey. "We have found corpses from the earthquake as well as bodies swept up by the tsunami," said Indonesia's disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho on Saturday. Preparations for a beach festival were being made in Palu when waves struck, he said, adding that houses had been swept away and families remain missing. The death toll from the disasters are expected to rise, he continued. Indonesia's military dispatched cargo planes Saturday carrying medical supplies to affected areas, but rescue efforts have been hampered after communications around Palu and a nearby fishing village, Donggala, which lies close to the earthquake's epicentre, had been downed. Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire and is regularly hit by earthquakes. Friday's tremors came weeks after 460 people were killed following an earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok, destroying tens of thousands of buildings and displacing over 400,000 people.
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Roctors forgot about Lats
()For the first time, a case of rat hepatitis E has been discovered in a human in Hong Kong. A 56-year-old man has been diagnosed with the disease, researchers from the University of Hong Kong said. It was not previously known the disease could be passed from rats to humans. "Previous laboratory experiments have found that rat hepatitis E virus cannot be transmitted to , and human hepatitis A virus cannot be transmitted to rats," said Dr. Siddharth Sridhar, clinical assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong, explaining that are very close to humans when it comes to disease susceptibility. The risk of rat hepatitis E affecting humans has been underestimated, Sridhar said during a news conference. The man developed the disease after undergoing a liver transplant following chronic infection with hepatitis B. He continued to show signs of abnormal liver function, said Sridhar, with no obvious cause. Investigations revealed signs of an immune response to hepatitis E, which is a major cause of hepatitis in humans all around the world, he said. But tests for the human form of the virus came back negative. Genetic sequencing of the virus infecting the man then revealed similarities with the rat form of the disease and the man was given antiviral treatment. "The patient is cured, as of this stage we can no longer detect the virus in any clinical specimen," said Sridhar. The team then wanted to know how the disease was able to cross over from rats into a human and believe the man caught the disease from rats infesting a rubbish chute near his home. "Rat hepatitis E virus now joins this list of infections as an important pathogen that may be transmitted from rats to humans," said Sridhar. The team believes the most important control measure would be to limit the rat population and ensure there is no rubbish for rats to feed on. Martin Hibberd, professor in emerging infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said it is "very unlikely" that the virus could be transmitted between humans. He was not involved with the case. The Hong Kong patient's immune system was compromised, given he had recently undergone a liver transplant, putting him at higher risk of contracting infections. "Most people are not so that means it's probably not common, generally, in humans," Hibberd told . As most people would not look for this particular virus, "we don't have standard tests yet," he added. "This example of it actually occurring means that we probably should start looking more for it, especially in immunocompromised people," said Hibberd. "The virus seems to be relatively diverse which suggests that it's existed a long time." Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver, with various viruses that cause it. Most commonly, hepatitis A, B and C spread through either contaminated food and water or blood and other body fluids, depending on the virus. The human form of hepatitis E is typically transmitted through contaminated water, and is estimated to infect 20 million people worldwide, resulting in 3.3 million people showing symptoms each year, according to the World Health Organization. It caused approximately 44,000 deaths in 2015, making up 3.3% of all deaths from hepatitis. The animal form of the disease is thought to infect wild boars, domestic and deer, as well as rats and other rodents.
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Berlin Policemen attacked by migrants
Policemen checked the documents of a 22 year old, who someone recognized as a bicycle thief. After that they wanted to drive away when the man came back to the police car and attacked the police. The situation escalated and a migrant mob threw bottles, flowerpots, ashtrays and stones at the policemen complaining about 'police brutality'. The station 'Kottbusser Tor' is a well-known no-go area within Berlin. That's Berlinistan 2018.
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Syrian Army advances in rugged area packed with ISIS terrorists
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed their field operations against the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization in the Al-Safa region of Al-Sweida on Thursday. Backed by heavy airstrikes from the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian Arab Army began their operation on Thursday morning by storming the Al-Safa region from three different axes. According to a military source in Sweida city, the Syrian Arab Army managed to score a new advance in the Qasr Sheikh Hussein area after a fierce battle with the Islamic State terrorists in the Al-Safa volcanic region. The source said that the Syrian Arab Army killed several Islamic State bandits during the battle, while also destroying at least two technical vehicles and a mounted machine gun. The Syrian Arab Army is now working to advance deeper into the Qasr Sheikh Hussein area in order to force the Islamic State to surrender their last positions in this vast volcanic region.
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Create more fire from instant sachete coffe
Pyromancer ingredients? Location: Indonesia
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Refugees Attack Bleeding Man In Nice, France - 28.09.2018
From OP: Several Arab-looking men, probably refugees, attacked a bleeding man lying on the ground in Nice on September 28, mocking him. Refugees are attacking a bleeding man in Nice (France) - 28.09.2018
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Truck runs over several people
A truck runs over several pedestrians who were looking at another accident that had previously taken place, in total 9 people died.
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Issey Miyake shows off latest techno-fabric at Paris Fashion Week
The Japanese fashion label showcases a new type of mouldable fabric at its Spring/Summer 2019 collection presentation in Paris. Rough cut (No reporter narration).

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from Reuters Video: Lifestyle https://ift.tt/2OVsdGr
Slouchy Chloe serves Paris hippy chic at fashion week
Model Kaia Gerber sports a bell-bottomed, burnt-orange jumpsuit with a floral jacket, part of a bohemian collection of fluid dresses, slouchy trousers and peasant tops. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

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from Reuters Video: Lifestyle https://ift.tt/2xPab29
Khabib Nurmagomedov Training for Conor McGregor | UFC 229
Khabib Nurmagomedov Training for Conor McGregor | UFC 229
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Russian enthusiast showcases Soviet car collection
Mikhail Krasinets owns a rather special museum. The former race-car mechanic has amassed hundreds of rust-bucket Soviet cars, symbols of a vibrant automobile industry that crashed with the fall of the Soviet Union. His open-air collection draws in car lovers and nostalgia hunters during the warmer months. Krasinets says "welcomes" and is "willing to talk to everyone". He doesn't see the corroded metal shells as junk but invaluable relics of the past.
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Jeff Flake confronted by sexual assault survivors after he backs Kavanaugh
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake was confronted by a group of sexual assault survivors on September 28 after he said he would support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. It came one day after a contentious hearing on a sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh. Jeff Flake, who was previously the panel's only undecided Republican, released a statement Thursday saying: "I believe that the constitution's provisions of fairness and due process apply here as well. I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh." Following the release of his statement, Flake was confronted in an elevator at the Capitol. The deciding vote fell to Senator Jeff Flake on Friday and moments before he announced his decision, he requested an FBI investigation to take place and to delay the floor vote for up to one week. After Kavanaugh was approved on an 11-10 party-line vote , the Senate Judiciary Committee said it would request that the administration instruct the FBI to conduct a supplemental background investigation with respect to the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. US President Donald Trump later ordered an FBI supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh's file. "As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week," he said via a statement on Twitter.
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Maher vs Right Wing Populist
The raping of America must stop
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Basketball Player Wayde Simms Shot Dead in Louisiana
LSU basketball player Wayde Sims died after he was shot early Friday near the campus of another school in Baton Rouge. Police say in a news release that the 20-year-old Sims was shot around 12:30 a.m. Friday near the campus of Southern University. Sgt. Don Coppola Jr. said Sims was taken to a hospital with an apparent gunshot wound and died.
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Good ol days of LiveLeak
This is what LiveLeak used to be like before it went Left and started censoring. mid 2000's - 2010 and now......
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Drive a little crazy (Encore)
They gave him hell. But this man's resilient. He's back with another classic- and this time he's got backup.
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Drunk parking in brooklyn ny
Parking in Brooklyn ny drunk
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