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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg gets trolled by president of Lithuania

He came here last year with huge entourage of evil doctors whos who of Luxembourg government, business, defense, etc... The energy minister of Lithuania and Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg signed interesting bilateral agreement between two countries. According to evil spin doctors of fake news and PR is ON madmen the meeting was about nothing except various pride parades related to kumbaya to benefit you. In reality agreement its about diversionary activity towards equality regime where Luxembourg comes out on top as more equal than Lithuania. At least that is the goal of the first impression for generating the hate of such cooked books of tar budgets. You know EU has all kinds of directives about battling green house gases, global warming, emissions quota, ozone holes, etc.. So this particular directive 2099/28/EB is about linguistic lulzboats called dependency on fossil fuels, foreign oil, etc.. So it requires countries to start switching their energy sector towards renewable sources of energy. In reality they are not talking about renewable energy. It's about military linguistics encryption for deforestation. Somewhat similar to narrative in Cameron movie Avatar. It's as if they hate forests. It's as if they are alibabas from sandy desserts and trees associate for them with evil spirits or something. So from attrition warfare standpoint It's about cutting branches the nation is sitting on. So lithuania is outperforming all such directives stripping the land from trees and forests turning everything that is green into dead logs subject for burning. Notice if you generate energy by using wood - you're essentially have crematorium in your neighborhood. So this agreement is about Lithuania cutting it's own forests instead of Luxembourg. You know Luxembourg will not cut the branches they are sitting on - Lithuania will do it for them. If thats not example of cooking books - i don't know what it is. It's true. They are clearing Lithuanian forests at very alarming rate. I can attest first hand as i used to be avid mushroom hunter, going to forests for gathering berries for making preserves, jams, canning for winter, etc.. You go one year it's nice forest - you come back year later - it's just tree stumps. They are printing all kinds of strange stories in fake news. For example some sort of massive deforestation is going on near the polish border where timber gets loaded on heavy machinery and at cover of the night gets transfered to poland. It's obvious matters of national security, but there is no nation or security anymore. Another interesting usage of fake news for battling second effect of deforestation - the inhabitants of the forests. You know animals have nowhere to go. So they vilify them - how wolves attack herds of sheep, how foxes target chicken, how boars destroy crops, how deer and moose attack cars in the highways, etc etc.. Not to mention all those "green light" instruments for starting mass killing crusades such as swine flu, avian flu, foot-and-mouth disease, etc.. Don't make mistake about cooked books that they are planting forests etc.. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are just performing similar book cooking routines as with luxembourg agreement. You know how Russia placed embargo on Polish apples few years ago? Suddenly according to the import-export books Belarus was exporting 3 times more apples than it has grown. So deforestation serves as instrument for creating "land" for settling by settlers, pioneers, etc.. and of course as renewable fuel for crematoriums. They also had this big PR about end of presidency of current president and her finally moving into her own private house that she will built in a new real estate development that they cleared from nice forest. She was homeless before becoming president of lithuania. Keep in mind the Chevron Motto - "human energy". So maybe just maybe - the "renewable energy" is also about those baby booms.

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