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Monday, August 24, 2020

Deranged Nancy Pelosi Loses It

Calls Trump Supporters Enemies Of The State.... Unhinged LuNancy Pelosi Calls President Trump, Republicans and Trump Supporters: "Enemies of The State"... According to the Preamble of our Constitution, one of the purposes for establishing our Constitutional Republic was to insure domestic tranquility: --- "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." --- The dictionary defines Tranquility as a peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc. It is only late August 2020 and there must be a certain level of desperation in the background of the Democrat party because the rhetoric and promotion of violence is off-the-charts. At the same time as violent democrats and their various funded and affiliated grassroot anarchist groups are engaged in riots, looting, mayhem and political chaos, the United States Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, goes to the microphones to declare President Trump and his supporters: "Enemies of The State"... Insure The Domestic Tranquility? Huh? The awakened American middle-class insurgency, led by Donald Trump, is an existential threat to the professional political class; and every entity who lives within the professional political class, and derives influence and affluence from its retention. The Democrat party is threatened by our resolve to protect the integrity of our constitutional republic. The political industry, all of DC corrupt governance, is threatened by our support through U.S. President Donald Trump. You know why the entire apparatus is united against President Trump. You know why the corrupt Wall Street financial apparatus is united against President Trump. You know why every institutional department, every lobbyist, every K-Street dweller, every career legislative member, staffer, and the various downstream economic benefactors, including the corporate media, all of it - all the above, are united against Donald Trump. Donald Trump is an existential threat to the existence of a corrupt DC system we have exposed to his disinfecting sunlight. Donald Trump is the existential threat to every entity and institution who benefits from that corrupt and vile system. They too have nothing to lose; their desperation becomes visible within their apoplexy; and they're damn sure displaying it. Decision time.

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