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Saturday, December 29, 2018


http://Informed.TV ~ Way too many people never even dared to ask the question: WHY the past many decades has the mainstream media comprising of ABC, NBC, CBS, , PBS, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the entire Democrat Party members have been so enthralled and enamored by Russia, Communism, Communist dictators Socialists, Socialism, centralized governments that strip constitutional freedoms away from the people? They never asked themselves how it is logical to want wide open borders even if it not only puts american lives at risk but aids in their murder. They never asked themselves why its Okay to disarm America's law abiding people, censor the freedom of speech, independent thinking, or support the thuggery of AntiFa Fascists who have always opposed America's missile defense shield system that was designed to prevent Russian nuclear warheads to enter our territory, defend domestic Terrorist, take the position of Islamic Extremists like Hezbollah and has always supported every policy that makes Russia Great again? Answer: The liberal Media completed owned by Socialist progressive billionaires and it's devoted listeners have literally become hypnotized by their own televisions to not think for themselves due to pre-scripted talking points originated from George Soros' owned groups like Media Matters. So many of our public schools, colleges and universities today have also supported and have been grooming the next generation of Americans to support green energy policies environmental policies to get America completely out of the coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power business so that Russia ends up controlling the entire oil and gas markets of the world. Without coal/oil/gas energy cars and military vehicles don't move, planes don't fly, navel ships cannot sail to places in time, tanks can't operate. Russia does not care if we burn up our own food supply to convert it to gas, which artificially hikes up the cost of our food in America and liberal Democrat's who have unwittingly supported Make Russia Great Again Policies don't care either! Read "the Soviet Art of Brainwashing" and you will understand. Russia's inner circle wanted Bernie Sanders the socialist, the socialist to win who has been the Russia numerous of times and who is a member of the Russian Cadre in America. Bernie Sanders was one of those leaders responsible for hijacking the civil rights moment in America by inserting communist leaders within it. Russian Communists have controlled the Democrat Party since they assassinated John F. Kennedy and controlled it from the inside out through unions and Socialist progressive organizations. Their main objective was always about controlling conservative media. But if Russia has truly changed their leaders must publicly show us by renouncing and publicly exposing all the tactics of control and manipulation and demoralization they "use" to employ that were designed to turn Russia's agendas into the national weakening policies within the nations they seek to influence from the inside out. For example, Russia would never want America to exhibit national energy independence or support the second amendment (or individual gun rights) of its citizens within democratically elected nations, because a nation of citizens who cannot defend themselves are much easier to take over than those who can. Moreover nations who energy costs are ultimately controlled and influenced by Russia have already been conquered. That's why the leftists groups that they are radicalizing are being brainwashed to believe in the Fake News about manmade global warming and the propaganda about how America needs to stop its pursuit for energy independence so that Russia can control and dominant the oil industry globally. You can't run tanks, planes, vehicles and cars on windmills and solar panels. Currently Russia controls over 60% to 70% of the oil and gas prices of Europe. But the average European is being distracted into either becoming more and more like the old soviet union of socialist states by why of the EU (European Union) or becoming more independent as strong nations stopping the growth of radical Islam to even be aware that Russia is already tying the loose on them all. All Democrats want are activist judges who legislate (make laws) from bench like unelected Kings over us into to push America over the cliff into centralized form of government that turns the United States into one unconstitutional state with absolute power over everyone. The Democrat Socialist want no freedom of expression, no state rights, no parental rights, no second amendment rights, no economic freedom for citizens, no religious freedom, no right to privacy, and limited or controlled freedom of assembly. These cultural Marxists are already inventing more rules of political correctness every month in order to regulate speech and conversation in America. Since these manipulative leftist radicals now control the socialist Democrat party. There is no reason to vote Democrat in good conscience anymore. Even the Chairman of the Democrat Party is AN ACTUAL COMMUNIST who believes its a great idea for Americans to be judged by international law instead of our own laws in America formed by our representative government. Just take a deep breath and open your eyes. Just about 90% of the media and it's personalities, (whether its the music industry, the talk show hosts, the celebrities in Hollywood, all the comedians we see, the news media anchors of MSNBC, , ABC, NBC, CBS, THE WASHINGTON POST or THE NEW YORK TIMES) they all are putting cultural socialist progressive popularity peer pressure on every American to vote for the very candidates who align with the very Democrat political platform and party that seeks to eliminate the US Constitution, weaken our National security, allow Islamic Sharia courts to be established inside America, take away our 2nd amendment rights, RAISE YOUR TAXES, and allow terrorism-sponsoring IRAN to get nuclear weapons. America currently has a unified totalitarian socialist government controlled media and leftist Socialist deep state government bureaucracy without it socialist dictator installed. "The Democrat Party of today is no longer the Party of President John F. Kennedy; the Democrat Party of today is now influenced by and ruled by the very same ideology that assassinated him --- communist globalism and international fascism." #WalkAway That's why it's so important that we all #VoteRepublican for the House of Representatives, the US Senate, Presidency and for Governor, including all state and local elections. The one world government is ultimately communism globally by way of Leninism. Today Russia is trying to rewrite history for a younger group of Americans who have no knowledge of the past and who are becoming the very useful idiots that will be radicalized to want ever Russia wants and that is national destabilization inside America until a socialist dictatorship rises to power within America then Russia will come in to help exterminate all their opposition. That's the end game.

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