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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Police in Georgia attacked by a minister, his family and members of the congregation

Officers were called to a scene in Georgia Saturday after a woman reported she had seen her runaway teenage daughter. Police in Georgia arrested a Lilburn minister as well as his wife and two sons taking them into custody after a brawl broke out in front of their church, the group disarmed one officer and pushed another against a wall. So what really happened? After a woman had reported she saw her runaway teenage daughter at Inglesia Cristiana Evangelica Church, located at a strip mall on Highway 29, The officers responded and went to investigate the claim, to which the woman's daughter was found sitting in the back of the minister's SUV with one of his sons, Police told Channel 2 Action News on Monday that the officers went to the church after the woman reported that she'd spotted her runaway teenage daughter. "They have my daughter, they won't let her have communication with me. The lady from the church was yelling at me. They said they had custody from DFACS, but it's not true," the mother told Channel 2's Tony Thomas. Shortly after arriving and finding the missing teen in the back of a vehicle with the son of Minister Wilmer Cruz, The Lilburn PD were surrounded by the local minister, his wife, and their two sons and the group moved in on the officers. Realizing they were greatly outnumbered, one of the officers drew his Taser, only to have it taken from him by Cristina Cruz, who then pointed it directly at him. At one point, an officer tried to Taser the son who had attacked the officer, but the son grabbed the prongs and wrapped them up, he also got hold of the officer's radio which he threw to the ground. One of the officers was then rushed and pushed against a glass door. "The officer was grabbed by his throat and slammed into the glass, pinned up to the glass door and was unable to move at that point," Lt. Tim Allen with the Lilburn Police Department said. Wilmer Cruz, 38, and Cristina Cruz, 37, were arrested on numerous charges. meanwhile a 16-year-old and 17-year-old were also arrested. The 16-year-old has been charged as a juvenile. As reported by wsbtv, the three charged as adults appeared in court Monday afternoon facing felony charges. They are currently being held without bond.

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