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Friday, June 19, 2015

80 year old version of Colin mcrae? haha

Me and my friend Adam were on our way to the local supermarket to get some food for our dinner, we approached a set of lights to find a man drifting along the road on a mobility scooter. After driving past him I got my phone out to record him in the hope we would see him again, with luck he did. Well not past us he cut us up at the next set of lights. So I got my phone out to record, out of nowhere the man started riding the mobility scooter on two of its four wheels, swerving across the road into a busy junction and through a red light almost getting hit by a car. location: Eccles, Manchester occurrence_date: 06/17/2015 Jack O'hanlon /]

from Rss Feed - Items in channel 'Must See'

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